Civic news briefs

Remember the public outcry when Stella Jones began logging near Begbie Falls? Well, BC Timber Sales (BCTS) wants to prepare a 34-hectare cutblock within the Mount Macpherson Recreation Area overlapping several mountain bike and cross-country ski trails in the Wetask Lake area.

City Council has ordered that a letter be written to the Ministry of Forests and Range asking it to extend the period of consultation related to the proposed logging project by an additional two months.

It has also asked BC Timber Sales to organize a public presentation to inform the community of their plans for the Wetask Lake operating area.

In a memo to Council Community Economic Development Director Alan Mason said there are two issues of interest to the City:

The fact that local government was not consulted with respect to logging activity close to the community. Local government had specifically requested that we be consulted on proposed logging activities after the Begbie Bench episode. BCTS staff have already apologized for this oversight and have forwarded referrals and extended the timelines to receive community input; and

The fact that the proposed logging activity could potentially have a negative impact on recreational infrastructure that has been developed by the Nordic Ski Club and the Revelstoke Cycling Association.

The proposed logging project is not supposed to go head until 2015.

Please click here to read Mason’s memo and letters from the Cycling Association and the Nordic Club as well as a map of the area that is supposed to be logged.


City Council is holding a special meeting on Tuesday, September 16 starting at 3 pm, to further discuss the Big Eddy Waterworks issue.

At the heart of the discussion will be the release of an excerpt from the minutes of an in camera meeting held on February 25 during which the significant problems afflicting the Big Eddy Waterworks were discussed. Please click here to read the excerpt.

Council will also consider a comprehensive memo from Mike Thomas, Revelstoke’s director of Engineering and Development Services, that outlines the way the City has handled the issue since it was first apprised of the BEW’s problems and Interior Health’s concerns in April, 2013. Please click here to read Thomas’ five-page memo.


BC Hydro would like to notify Illecillewaet Dyke and Big Eddy Dyke trail users of an upcoming two-day closure for noxious weed control during a suitable period of dry weather, starting as early as Monday, September 15.

The weed control work is planned along the Illecillewaet River Dyke from the Fourth Street Bridge downstream to the BC Hydro Illecillewaet Substation, and along the Big Eddy Dyke from Highway 23 South, around the walkway to Big Eddy Road.

Both dykes are heavily infested with invasive weed species including Blueweed, Spotted Knapweed, Oxeye Daisy and Orange Hawkweed. Weed control is required to limit the spread of the weeds to other areas by trail users, bicycles, dogs, and other animals. The weed control work involves the selective application of a weed control herbicide to problem areas. Within 24 hours of application the herbicide will be fully absorbed by the vegetation and pose no risk to humans or animals.

Signs and/or barriers will be placed at access points to notify users of the trail closure. For more information please contact Jen Walker-Larsen at 250-814-6645 or send an e-mail to


The Columbia Shuswap Regional District (CSRD) has been awarded a Level 3 Achievement of Carbon Neutrality from the Climate Action Charter. A formal letter of recognition was sent to the CSRD by the Province acknowledging this accomplishment.

A statement from the CSRD said climate action is a provincial priority and local governments are key partners in helping to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and create complete, compact and energy-efficient communities. In 2007-2008, the CSRD became a signatory to the BC Climate Action Charter, along with 182 other local governments. The CSRD has measured and reported carbon emissions to the Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program since 2010, and has taken measures to reduce corporate emissions.

In order to become carbon neutral, the CSRD purchased carbon credits from the Pacific Carbon Trust to offset corporate emissions. The CSRD has an agreement with the Climate Action Secretariat (formerly the Pacific Carbon Trust) to sell carbon credits from the Salmon Arm Landfill biogas operations. This agreement gives the CSRD a unique opportunity to purchase carbon offsets at a reduced rate. Furthermore, the CSRD has been able to offer their member municipalities the option of purchasing the discounted carbon credits as well, in order to offset their corporate emissions.

The CSRD has also been retrofitting CSRD buildings, improving fleet management and incorporating carbon neutral initiatives into planning exercises, all in an effort to reduce corporate emissions. In 2012, the CSRD was one of 31 local governments and one of only five Regional Districts to become carbon neutral.

“The CSRD is very pleased to be acknowledged for achieving Carbon Neutrality,” CAO Charles Hamilton said in the statement. “We are committed to exploring innovative and cost effective measures to maintain our carbon neutral status with the Province.”


Revelstoke may soon break the 1,000 barrier when to comes to business licenses in the community and Mayor David Raven says perhaps the City should recognize that milestone by giving out a free license to the lucky 1,000th business.

He made the comment during Council’s September 9 meeting during which Councillor Linda Nixon said the number of business licenses in Revelstoke had risen to 966 in August from 959 the month before.

The new licenses went to: Mountain High Computerized Embroidery; Tarnow Homes, which is a vendor of manufactured homes; Hodgson King & Marble Ltd, general contractors; Stoke FM; MacMillan Property Services Ltd.; Fairfield Canine Training; and Jump on Flyaways / Revelstoke Air Service.

Last year at this time there were 885 business licenses in the city.


City Council is holding a public hearing to discuss its proposed new Sign Bylaw on October 14 starting at 2:30 pm.

The hearing will be conducted in the Council Chambers on Second Street East.

Please click here to read the new bylaw.


City Council has awarded a tender for a new grader to Finning Canada.

The company is selling the City a used grader with only 20 machine hours for $214,700.

Darren Komonoski, operations manager for engineering and public works, told Council a brand-new, unused graders generally go for about $300,000. This machine is a real bargain.
