By David F. Rooney
Everything Revelstoke, a new direct marketing company that offering visitors (and locals) a way to connect with local tourism operations opened on May 24 with a great party in its new office space at First Street and MacKenzie Avenue.
This venture, owned by Brydon Roe and John Leonard, offers visitors access to almost everything their hearts could desire: climbing, river rafting, kayaking, heli-skiing, dog-sledding and heli-hiking adventures.
The concept makes perfect sense as there are a number of small, seasonal, adventure-tourism businesses in town but most operate out of their owners’ homes which means there are no offices to visit.
Local businesses interested in partnering with Everything Revelstoke and capturing the attention of visiting guests through booking services on www.everythingrevelstoke.com or through promotions at the centrally located Everything Revelstoke office can contact General Manager Rich Eden at the new Everything Revelstoke offices at 122 Mackenzie Avenue. You can also contact him at manager@everythingrevelstoke.com or by phone at 250-814-3315.