For many, the past weekend at the Revelstoke Glacier Slo-Pitch Tournament was the best weekend of the summer. The weather was incredible, the bands rocked, the baseball games were fun to play and watch, and the festivities were peaceful and fun filled with smiling faces.
In the spirit of the tournament, which aims to celebrate Revelstoke, this is a different approach to the Higher Ground column. Here is a list of some of my favourite, and less obvious, things about Revelstoke. The little things not written about in the vacation guide, but make you smile all the same.
In no particular order, here is my best of Revelstoke:
- Watching lightning light up the sky over the mountains.
- Eating ice cream at the Revelstoke Summer Street Fest and watching little kids run around and dance to the free music.
- Spending two hours at the Farmer’s Market not buying anything but visiting with friends and acquaintances you haven’t seen all week.
- Experiencing the ‘pay it forward powder day push out’ when everyone helps push your car out of the snow as they move down the block.
- Having a local brewery with so many delicious flavours of beer to choose from. Creatively local names and experimental seasonal flavours really make Mt. Begbie Brewing special.
- Doing cruisey bike laps downtown on a balmy July night at 2am with no one else around.
- Wearing your driving skill like a badge of honour to the rest of Canada who aren’t forced to drive on the worst highway in the country at any given time of year. Mudslides, potholes, avalanches, accidents, cyclists, rented RVs, Albertans…we can drive in that.
- Exploring.
- Living in total monsoon conditions without sunshine for entire months of the year, simply to develop greater appreciation for sun or snow when it finally arrives.
- Getting to have a dog without really owning one because you can just pet, walk or play with any of the hundreds that your friends own.
- Looking up at any given moment and being mesmerized by mountains, stars, full moons, meteor showers, a rainstorm, or a beautiful sunset.
- Saying hello and waving at people as you walk down the street because everyone is so friendly.
- Apologizing to friends you didn’t see on the street because you never wear the glasses that are prescribed for your near-sightedness.
- Becoming a hollow reed so trouble can blow through you like the wind.
- Spending less than $10 a month on gasoline for your vehicle because you can walk, bike or skate everywhere in town.
- Trading tips and produce with all the backyard farmers in town at the most random times.
- Getting soaked to the skin by a warm summer rain than drying out 5 minutes later when the sun comes out again.
- Sharing a ‘secret’ spot you just discovered in or around Revelstoke with a friend.
- Kicking through snow so fluffy it’s like smoke while walking home late at night under orange glowing streetlamps, with snow falling softly and getting stuck to your face.
- Going to little concerts in the living rooms and backyards of friends’ houses
- Attending bizarre, uniquely Revelstoke social functions, like the opening of the Revelstoke Dam Spillway or the notorious Shrimp Truck Crash.
- Feeling so isolated that sometimes a trip to Salmon Arm or Nelson is exciting enough to feel like you’re visiting the big city.
- Coming back home to Revelstoke after a trip away and rounding that last bend to see the valley open up before you and the sun reflect on the roof of the Courthouse.
- Entering just about anything into the Santa Claus Parade, even a ride-able metal tiger being towed by a miniature snow volcano on wheels.
- Complaining about people complaining about complainers becomes an official community sport during periods of adverse weather.
- Witnessing a double rainbow over Revelstoke Mountain Resort and knowing it means an epic powder winter is right around the corner.
- Understanding that in Revelstoke the classic ‘6 degrees of separation’ is actually closer to one and a quarter degrees and you probably have more friends than you know about yet.
- Watching snowflakes float above the big square lights at the entrance to town.
- Hearing someone express shock and awe when stating, “I never came off the highway before” after their first visit into town, and then just smiling in quiet agreement.
- Listening to everyone cheer when the gondola starts spinning for the first time, signalling a new winter riding season.
- Smiles for strangers.
- ________________________________
I ran out of room this week. Numbers 32 – 100 are for you to fill in. Leave your answers in the comments below or email them to: highergroundrevelstoke@gmail.com and we’ll add them to the list for you.