By David F. Rooney
RCTV’s brand new, made-in-Revelstoke cable program, Fresh & Undressed, is perfect for this time and this place: it’s about great food and fantastic flavours produced by local residents.
The program recreates one of the cooking courses offered by Kendra Powell of Mountain Meals and Daniel Weber and Elvira Brunner at Crescendo.
The whole idea for a cooking show originated with Leslie Savage, who writes the Savage Delights column for The Current.
At the end of the first course offered earlier this year Leslie lamented that it was too bad there wasn’t a TV show based on the absolutely stupendous meal we had just enjoyed.
“A cooking show?” I said. “Why not? We could do a cooking show.”
And so Fresh & Undressed was born.
Videotaped and edited by RCTV’s Shawn Filipchuk, Fresh & Undressed will take you through one of the courses offered by Crescendo and Mountain Meals. This is a completely unrehearsed program. The videotape is clear and crisp, although there is a minor audio problem due to the fan in Mountain Meals’ kitchen, and the unscripted dialogue and conversation is intelligent and often quite witty. The members of the dining audience — Jamie and Cathy Burke, Arial Christman, Kyle Brosseuk, Sue Leach and I — did not know what was on the menu so our reactions are spontaneous and genuine. Everyone had a great time and even learned a few things. And I hope you will, too.
If you appreciate good food you will not want to miss this program. And, just in case you’re wondering, we may in fact make more episodes — depending on audience reaction. So, please let us know what you think of the program by e-mailing your comments to me here at The Current: editor@revelstokecurrent.com.
Monday June 14 — 7 pm
Tuesday June 15 — 3 pm
Wednesday June 16 — 7 am
Thursday June 17 — 10 am
Friday June 18 — 10 pm
Saturday June 19 — 2 pm
Sunday June 20 — 12 noon
In the meanwhile, here are a few more photos from the program: