Homecoming 2009 in Pictures — Friday

By David F. Rooney Renewing old friendships, seeing how much has changed in town — and how much as stayed the same — and spending...

In a word, the Homecoming Quilt Exhibition can only be described as “WOW!”

By David F. Rooney I'm not going to mince words: if you don't go to the Community Centre to see the Mount Revelstoke...

Teacher Ron Patchett memorialized at the Golf Club

By David F. Rooney Homecoming has proven to be a bittersweet celebration for Anna Patchett and her family. While it brought her back home to...

Here for Homecoming? Local vendors offer variety at the Farmer’s Market

By David F. Rooney For some of the Revelstokians who regularly lay out their wares early every Saturday morning the Farmer's Market is just a...

Trip here a journey of discovery for Lord Revelstoke

By David F. Rooney There is a quiet, modest — almost self-effacing — quality about James Baring, the sixth Lord Revelstoke. He is a man who...

What should City Council do?

What should City Council do when the Mackenzie Avenue merchants come knocking on their door on Tuesday? Should they offer them compensation of some...

So hot it’s smokin’!

By David F. Rooney Well, the headline IS a little deceptive. It is smokey out there and it is getting hotter but the two are...