CBT: FREE Youth Leadership Program For Students In May

By Columbia Basin Trust- Emily Gilmar, Youth aged 14 to 18 from around the Columbia Basin are invited to apply to attend the Leadership Summit...

Sled Stolen From Home In Columbia Park

By Staff Sergeant Kurt Grabinsky, On Monday January 15th, 2018 the Revelstoke RCMP received a report of a theft of a snowmobile from a residence...

Visual Arts Centre Gearing Up For Annual Fundraiser

The Revelstoke Visual Arts Centre (RVAC) will be hosting their popular fundraiser on Friday, February 2nd at 7:00pm.  Every living room needs a centre piece, that unique statue...

Arm Chair Mayor- Peter Humphreys: I Saw It, I Clicked It, It Was Not...

Sometime back in the fall I registered with Seeclickfix to make a post regarding an unsafe Town culvert. Ever since that point, I get...

Land Linking Workshop For Co-op Farms Draws Strong Interest

This past weekend, a workshop for Revy. Set. Grow, took place in the Macpherson Room at the Community Centre. Roughly 20 people attended both...

City Rolls Out New Live Stream For Council Meetings

What is your favourite program to watch at 3:00pm every second Tuesday? If it is to watch a City Council Meeting, then you are...

Avalanche Control- TOMORROW- Tuesday, January 16th

Emcon Services will be cleaning up for Avalanche Control, by Three Valley Gap- Tuesday January 16th from 12:00pm-1:00pm.  Afterwards roughly 20 minute closures to clean up...

Community Connections Food Bank Had A Successful 2017!

The Community Connections Food Bank (CCFB) had an extremely successful holiday season in terms of donations. This year, the CCFB provided 168 hampers for...

Long Neck! Is Mieke Blommestein’s Latest Children’s Story!

What does a spider, toad, snake, crocodile and a giraffe all have in common? They each share a unique educational message for the children...

Part 3: Dangerous Driving- Gabe Nava Lander & Derek Thur

Throughout the winter months the highway becomes dicey and icy as the road narrows to a thin two-track lane where a slim piece of...