Food For Thought: A Sunday Drive
A sunny Sunday drive can take you down memory lane, despite the fact you are rolling forward; one of life’s little ironies. Free Vitamin...
Family Believes Drone MAY Have Spotted Missing Plane
Domenic Neron (28) and his girlfriend Ashley Bourgeault (31) have been missing since November 25th, when their 1963 Mooney plane was reported missing. A recent digital...
Vacation Rental Most Likely To Get The Big D(enied)
Vacation Rentals have been a topic of groans and moans for quite some time, not just in the community of Revelstoke, but all over...
John Kehler Hits The Big 6-0!
Revelstoke Flooring owner, John Kehler walked into a shock on Friday, January 19th as his staff put on a surprise Birthday party for him...
Development Services Plans For A Busy 2018 Construction Season
Ready. Set. Build!…Wait. Permit is not approved yet. 2017 was a booming year for construction in Revelstoke, however, many permits sat in queue. The...
Community Initiatives & Affected Areas Program Accepting Applications
The Community Initiatives and Affected Areas Programs (CIP/AAP) has been a major support of projects that are deemed a priority to a community. This...
Mayor Report With Mark McKee: Friday, Jan 19th 2018
The first Mayor Report of 2018 brings Mayor McKee to the mic to discuss what is going on in terms of the newly concepted...
Chuckle For the Day: Don’t Mess With Mo
An arrogant young employee has recently started work at MoGad Construction and ever since he started he's been bragging that he could outdo anyone...
Shine Up Your Shovels, The Snow Is Coming…
If you are getting achy arms and a sore back from shovelling, and staring uo at the grey sky wondering when spring will come,...
Who Are the Top Influential Business Women In Our Region?
Revelstoke has many entrepreneurs and talented woman that have dedicated their time to not only give back to the community, but too building a...