Chuckle For The Day: The 4:24 Train
A salesman in a nice Gucci suit carrying a brief case rushes up to a farmer plowing in his field. He asks him politely...
Letter To The Editor: Skeptical Anticipation
Buenas Dias, Revelstoke Neighbours, Residents of the CSRD are waiting with skeptical anticipation for word on the status of negotiations with the fine City that...
What’s Next For Bruhn Bridge?
Highway 1 has been continuously expanded and upgraded from Kamloops to Alberta for quite some time. One area in particular that needed a more...
Stetski’s Stance: A Letter To The Riding About Potential National Local Food Bill
As most of you know I spend nearly six months of the year in Ottawa representing you and all of the 107,500+ residents of...
CBT Promotes The Entrepreneurial Spirit In Youth
(Columbia Basin) - Columbia Basin Trust (the Trust) has partnered with JA British Columbia (JABC) to ignite the entrepreneurial spirit in local youth and...
Standard Time With The Bob Rogers Quartet & Donnie Clark April 14th
The Revelstoke Jazz Club is excited to present Standard Time with the Bob Rogers Quartet featuring special guest Donnie Clark this coming Saturday, April 14th....
Bruvall Faces Up To 5 Years In Prison For Animal Cruelty (Revelstoke Petting Zoo)
What happened to the man with the long cowboy jacket and hat with horse and carriage that was taking travellers for a Columbia Riverside...
Support For the Humbolt Broncos & Coach Parent Shares His Thoughts
The tragedy that struck the Humbolt Broncos has echoed throughout our nation. This horrific crash resonates beyond the walls of the hockey arena and...
Revelstoke Bank Robbed- Police Are Looking For Suspect
By Staff Sgt. Grabinsky, At just prior to 5 pm on Friday April 6, 2018 a lone male walked into a local bank on First Street...
Staff Sgt. Grabinsky Draws Awareness To Phone & Social Media Scams
By S/Sgt. Kurt Grabinsky, The Revelstoke RCMP have noted a dramatic increase in the number of reports of attempted fraud or successful frauds either by phone...