$240,000 Available To Support BC Parks Volunteer Projects
With the summer fun on the horizon, families are starting to plan their extra-long weekends, camping getaways and excursions. During the warmer months, BC...
Chuckle For The Day: Beans, Beans The Musical Fruit
During her lunch, a woman ate two plates of beans instead of her usual sandwich and soup, after all it was her birthday and...
Are You Prepared For A Flood?
The spring brings a lot of relief for the snow birds, but it can also come at a hefty price. Last year certain areas...
Man Killed On Highway 23 North
By Staff Sergeant Kurt Grabinsky. At approximately 3 pm on Saturday April 28, 2018 the British Columbia Ambulance Service (BCAS) and the Revelstoke Royal Canadian...
Ms. Anne Thrope: Change Is Upon Us, Yet Some Things Never Change
McKee Mania is going the way of the Dodo Dodo Bird and the buggy whip. After more than a dozen years serving on council, in...
What’s Happening In Revelstoke? April 27th-May 3rd
Sarah Petersen- Marketing & Tourism (Chamber of Commerce)
Revelstoke Mayor Report- April 27th, 2018
With the SILGA convention going on, it has been rather quiet in City Hall, which can be a nice change, especially during a gorgeous...
TVG: Shannon Smith Is Ready To Turn Our Pip-Squeaks Into A Lions Roar
“Enough is enough. When are we going to be heard and taken seriously?” Shannon Smith is starting a movement and is asking the community to...
Stacie Byrne Provides 10 Reasons To Attend The Spring Community Concert This Weekend
There are so many reasons to come to the Community Concert this weekend on Saturday and Sunday April 28th and 29th that we decided...
$19.4 Million Dollar Highway Expansion from Donald To Forde Station
With the scream and plea coming from the community of Revelstoke along with our Mayor and MLA to expand the Three Valley Gap death...