Special fund-raising event brings in thousands for cancer victim Kendra Brown

Young Corbin Martin checks out the prizes that where on offer at the special fundraiser at Cooper's for cancer victim Kendra Brown as Kendra's sister Rhonda Schmidt looks on. David F. Rooney photo
Young Corbin Martin checks out the prizes that where on offer at the special fundraiser at Cooper’s on Friday for cancer victim Kendra Brown as Kendra’s sister Rhonda Schmidt looks on. David F. Rooney photo

Revelstokians dug deep to help Kendra Brown, the young woman dying of a rare cancer.

Tanya Secord, who helped organize last Friday’s fund-raising event at Cooper’s, says it raised over $8,400.

Kendra is dying of a rare cancer and her friends are raising money to help her build some happy memories for very young daughters and help offset their living expenses as her husband Larry Wiberg has left work to spend her remaining time with her. Please click here to read our previous story about Kendra’s plight.

“Thanks to eveyone who came out to help support Kendra and her family – with all your generosity we were able to raise just over $8400 at the Cooper’s event,” Tanya said.

She also wanted to thank the many businesses that put up prizes for the event.

“Thanks go to Cooper’s for hosting the fundraiser and to:


Sutton Place

Selkirk Tangiers

Revelstoke Mountain Resort

Epicure – Lindsay McIntyre


Carrie’s Cafe

Beth Purser Massage

Younique – Tamara Scholts

Dayna Van Overbeke

Cherie Van Overbeke

Hillcrest Hotel

Touch of Elegance

Roberta’s Tanning

Mary Kay – Ellen Hatlevik

Jessica Stewardson Photography

Revelstoke Boxing Club


Sentsy – Carlee Dillman

Eminence – Melanie Nelson

Jessica Ploeger

Skytrek Adventure Park

Dave Rooney

Enchanted Forrest

Donna Naprstek

Trans Canada Fitness

Thunderbird Massage

Refinery Day Spa

Three Valley Chateau

Chantilly Kitchen Bed n Bath

Padrinos Pizza

Main Street Cafe

Crystal Federico

Revelstoke Cable




Revelstoke Credit Union

Revelstoke Theater Company

Battersby Plumbing

Revelstoke Times Review

The Revelstoke Current