Happy New Year seniors of Revelstoke from your 2009 and 2010 executive/directors. I hope everyone had a fantastic and safe holiday season.
Our Annual General Meeting is Thursday, Jan. 14, at 1:30 pm. Please attend as we will be installing your 2010 executive/directors and voting on proposed bylaw changes. Come and have a say in the direction your Centre will take over the next year, and see what is already planned for 2010.
Don’t forget to check the bulletin boards for sign-up sheets for all the activities and events, and especially for the upcoming computer classes, ranging from beginners, to the more advanced. Here are some of the things we have planned:
- Our monthly birthday party is on Wednesday, Jan. 20, at 3 pm. After the party there will be a workshop on Financial Awareness, Protection and Scams.
- This month seniors we are having a Winter Pot Luck supper on Wednesday, Jan. 27, at 5:30 pm at the Centre. The cost is $7 a person in lieu of a food donation.
- We have Carpet Bowling on Tuesday and Thursday from 9 am until 11 am
- Darts Tuesday and Thursday at 7 pm
- Toonie Aqua Fit every Tuesday of the month from 9 am until 10 am
- Senior Toonie Fitness: anytime at TransCanada fitness
- Bowling on Tuesday league at the Cabin at 1 pm
- Bowling on Thursday league at the Cabin at 1 pm
From your executive/directors of 2009, it was a pleasure to serve the members. We have also enjoyed working together and with others for the betterment of the seniors of Revelstoke over the past year
From your upcoming 2010 executive/directors we look forward to continuing to serve its members. We also are looking forward to continuing the forward motion and positive changes made by the 2009 Executive/ Directors.
See you all at the Centre. I look forward to seeing you all at the Annual General Meeting or at other activities and events we will be having over the next year.
Alice Daniels is the secretary for public relations at the Revelstoke Seniors’ Centre