With the right bid you could own a beautiful piece of history

Glen O'Reilly poses with the the Friends of Mount Revelstoke and Glacier's beautiful wood and stained glass sign. The Friends are holding a silent auction, via The Current, until May 17. You can post bids using the comments section below. Please include your name and telephone number with your bid. This is a beautiful piece of history and it could be yours!  Bidding starts at $100.
Glen O’Reilly poses with the the Friends of Mount Revelstoke and Glacier’s beautiful wood and stained glass sign. The Friends are holding a silent auction, via The Current, until May 17. You can post bids using the comments section below or you can e-mail your bid to drooney1@telus.net. Please include your name and telephone number with your bid. This is a beautiful piece of history and it could be yours! Bidding starts at $100.

Please click here to e-mail your bid.