Revelstoke’s Aza Deschamps is competing in the Valley Voices Vocal Competition again this year.
Aza is 11 years old and reaching for the stars. She was the youngest competitor in last year’s competition, which is based out of Abbottsford and is open to all BC residents, and placed second overall.
This year she has made it through the audition segment and is one of the top 25 qualifiers. The top 25 have videos posted here:
Over the next few days they will be competing for your votes. Casting your vote is as easy as clicking “Like” on the videos you enjoy. Unfortunately you must be a Facebook user to vote.
The young piano-playing, guitar-strumming vocalist, who is one of Joanne Stacey’s students, is hoping to make through to the finals again this year but she can only achieve that goal if she gets as many votes (Likes) as she can get before June 2. Have a listen, spread the word.