An early morning 911 call sent 15 city fire fighters and five vehicles to extinguish a burning vehicle that was just 10 feet from a residence at 1315 Highway 23.
Chief Rob Girard said in a statement that some of the building’s occupants were disabled and required assistance.
But, given the nature of the 5:26 am fire “our firefighters were able to shelter the residents in place, while performing an aggressive exterior fire attack, said Girard.
“There were a total of 10 occupants of the residence when fire crews first arrived on scene,” he said. “Firefighters extinguished and overhauled the fire in just under one hour, with no injuries to any of the 15 fire personnel and 5 responding fire apparatus. “I am very pleased with this save based on the distance, the number and type of occupants of the residence. The quick initial attack by our firefighters really made a difference today.”
Girard said an Emergency Social Services volunteer was present to assist the residents.
As to the cause of the fire, Girard said it appeared to be due to a vehicle malfunction. However, because the residence is located outside City limits but in the CSRD Protection Area, Revelstoke Fire Rescue Services does not have jurisdiction to investigate further.