My Remembrance Day will be spent in Cranbrook this year. I hope to see many of you there.
On behalf of Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Canadian government, I want to thank those who have served, and who continue to serve our country.
On November 11th, we remember the generations of Canada’s best and brightest who have answered the call of duty and served our country. From World War I, when Canada first proved our strength and determination as a young nation, to our work in Kandahar and around the globe today, the constant has always been the courage and sacrifice of our brave men and women in uniform.
For the rest of us, whose freedom is rooted in the sacrifice of both the past and present generations, it is our duty to remember. That’s why, on Remembrance Day in communities across Canada, thousands of families will stand before memorials to those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the service of Canada.
Each Canadian standing in the cold November morning will have personal memories — some shared, some private — of those who we pause to remember. The grandparents and great-grandparents who crossed oceans to fight on the front lines of Europe to break the grip of tyranny. The sons and daughters who stood between an unsteady peace and the renewed spark of conflict. The husbands, wives, brothers and sisters who work each day to bring peace and stability to war-torn Afghanistan. Those here at home who make their own sacrifice as they support family members deployed across the country and around the world.
On November 11th we remember these Canadians, past and present, for their courage, their sacrifice and their defence of Canadian values.
It is a great privilege for me to represent the citizens of Kootenay Columbia and on their behalf I say thank you – thank you veterans, thank you families, your sacrifices are the foundation of or nation.
Lest we forget.
Jim Abbott is the Conservative Party MP for Kooenay Columbia riding and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of International Cooperation