This year’s Glacier Challenge went off without a hitch last weekend. 93 teams from across Western Canada attended the four-day, slow-pitch softball tourney and aside from a few minor injuries a good time was had by all.
Organizers were relieved that this year’s event was not marred by any of the fights or vandalism that marred the 2011 tournament. And they were happy with the reaction to this year’s Grand Prize — a $6,000 accommodation and skiing package at Revelstoke Mountain Resort for up to 14 members of some lucky team. And who proved to be lucky? Revelstoke’s own Happy Hookers!
Out-of-towners won the two big prizes offered by the Rotary Club this year. Ty English of Airdrie, Alberta, won the Harley Davidson motorcycle on offer, and a couple identified on their ticket only as Donna and Russ of Leduc, Alberta, won the houseboat trip.
There was plenty of music — more than any other recent year — with performances by Maritime Kitchen Party, Blind Spot, The Boom Booms, Red Eye Empire and the Werewolves of Creston and a good time was had by everyone who attended the evening concerts. In fact, a few people became downright enthusiastic and streaked the Sunday evening ball game at Industrial Field. Alas! There are no photos here of the streakers.
But we do have plenty of other images. Take a gander: