Francophone families finally get their own school!

After three years of efforts and advocacy, parents in the Revelstoke region will be able to send their children to their own francophone school next September. At its regular meeting at the end of last week, the Board of Trustees of the Conseil scolaire francophone unanimously approved the motion to authorise the opening of the new school.

The new school, which does not yet have a name or a precise location, will receive a group of a dozen students from kindergarten to Grade 2 starting in September 2012. Forecasts for the next five years indicate that the Revelstoke school will be of a similar size to other CSF elementary schools in the regions of Nelson, Rossland, Chilliwack or Kamloops, with some 40 students.

The president of the Board of Trustees of the CSF, Alexandra Greenhill, expressed her confidence in the capacity of this new school to grow and attract new francophone parents in this southeastern region of British Columbia, as was the case with the opening of new CSF schools in other regions of the province, contributing to the Conseil scolaire francophone’s overall growth rate of more than 50% over the past seven years.

In the coming months, the CSF will select a suitable location for the new school installation and will put the necessary infrastructure in place to receive the children by September. Parents are also invited to choose an official name for their new school by the official opening date later this summer.

The Revelstoke school will be the 37th school in the Conseil scolaire francophone of British Columbia.

For more information, please contact:

Pierre Claveau
Director of Public Relations
(604) 214-2600