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Over 70 residents of Revelstoke submitted the titles of their favourite books to the first-ever Revelstoke Reads program throughout January 2011.

Favourite reads were submitted in one of four categories: Children’s, Young Adult, Adult Non- Fiction and Adult Fiction. Books have been listed in the category identified by the reader. Book titles and authors are also listed as identified by the reader. Each listing is in alphabetical order by book title rather than by author.

“If you missed your opportunity to provide your favourites, you can send them any time to for the 2012 version. We will be asking you to send us the titles of your favourite books from 2011 to us next year so we can do it all over again,” Program Coordinator Tracy Spannier said in an e-mail Thursday.

You can see the complete list by going to the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL) button on the front page of The Revelstoke Current or you can click here to see what your family, friends and neighbours are reading.