The annual Canadian Pacific Railway’s Holiday Train might have been a little late when it rolled into Revelstoke Monday night but the large crowd waiting for it was nonetheless very enthusiastic.
Community Connections Food Bank Coordinator Patti Larson was deeply appreciative of the $4,000 cheque she was given by CPR representative Breanne Feigel and encouraged people to continue their support for the Food Bank as well as the Christmas Hamper Program. And she introduced to the crowd three individuals whose efforts to assist the Food Bank resulted in the gathering of more than 2,500 lbs of food.
Krista Carnegie, her son Raine and Ariel Christman organized a remarkable food drive through the schools and churches this autumn. At Monday’s event they also presented Larson with a cheque for $100.
After the cheque presentations, Marnie Digiandomenico of Parks Canada and firefighter Randy Driediger presented Feigel with several strands of the colourful origami cranes folded by people across the community to commemorate the 1910 avalanche in Rogers Pass as well as an engraved section of rail as a memento of the corporation’s participation with Parks Canada and community groups in staging this year’s remarkable public commemorations.
All in all, this was an excellent event. You can see photos of the Holiday Train event below: