Local RCMP want to help parents keep their children safe by fingerprinting them, photographing them and taking DNA samples. All of this data will be kept by parents — not the Mounties — in a special booklet through the Kidz Printz program offered at the Community Centre on Saturday, October 2, from 11 am until 3 pm.
The Kidz Printz program provides parents with a free, hands on approach to their child’s safety. The motto of the Kidz Printz program is a ‘Child’s safety is a Right, Not a priviledge’ and parents can be proactive by attending this program. The program provides every parent, guardian and caregiver of children, regardless of financial means or status, access to this essential safety resource and recovery tool, in the event that their child is lost or goes missing.
And kids do go missing.
In 2007, according to BC Child Find statistics, there were over 60,000 children registered as missing with the RCMP Missing Children’s Registry in Ottawa. In 2007 there were over 13,575 children registered missing from the province. The greatest number of these children run away from home and most return within 48 hours, over 8000 children in 2007. As well, 27 BC children were kidnapped by one of their parents, usually in the heat of a divorce or custody battle. And, worst of all, In 2007 there were five BC children who went missing as a result of kidnapping or foul play.
This free program provides parents with a single identification card that plays a vital role for law enforcement when trying to locate a lost or missing child. A single kit will provide law enforcement with fingerprints, DNA and a photograph.
The Kidz Printz program gets underway on Saturday, October 2, at the Community Centre at 11 am.