When young Kobe B. saw the Reading Rocks painting donated to the Revelstoke Branch of the Okanagan Regional Library for this year’s Summer Reading Club program draw, he immediately told his mom “I’m going to win that!”
Head Librarian Joan Holzer was quite taken by that story, particularly when Kobe’s name was drawn at the Summer Reading Club’s windup party this year.
“It was such a cute story,” she said later.
This year’s Summer Reading Club had a good turnout with 154 members and there were plenty of winners in other categories, Holzer said.
“The winner of your painting was Kobe B,” she said in an e-mail to The Current. “The SRC mascot is Alexandra R. Everet C won the Digital Camera. Funny thing is they are all 8 years old, and the web game winner, Courtney A is 9. 🙂
“We would all like to thank: you/the Revelstoke Current, the Revelstoke Elks Lodge 453, the Revelstoke Recreational Centre, the Royal Bank of Canada, Â Pharmasave and all of our great volunteers for all the help in making the 2010 Reading Rocks Summer Reading Club such a success.”
Here are some additional photos from the Summer Reading Club’s grand finale party: