The Visual Arts Centre vibrated with excitement on Friday, May 6, during the opening of its first two shows of the regular season — Presentation, Representation and Manifestation by students at RSS, and Going for Gold by the Golden Girls.
There are more than 150 works in the two shows, with 133 works of part created by 70 RSS students. There re some real gems on display in both shows and I was particularly struck by two small bronze statuettes — one of a burrowing owl and the other of a horse — produced by RSS student Gabrielle Sawatzky. They are clear evidence that this teenager has some remarkable talent bubbling in her veins. Four other young ladies from the school — Cailin English, Tia Sakiyama, Sierra-Lynn Frazier and Abigail Brackenbury — each assembled enough work that they effectively produced their own shows within the overarching umbrella of the school show. It will be interesting to see what these young ladies accomplish, artistically speaking, in the months and years to come.
Meanwhile, the Golden Girls present the art-loving public with the lovely and sometimes very whimsical watercolours we have come to expect from them. It’s hard to imagine that 10 or so years ago these senior ladies were just starting out and were almost embarrassed to display their first paintings. They’ve come a very long way and it shows, too, in the number of paintings that were quickly snapped up by art show patrons.
If you missed the opening you still enjoy them by dropping by the Visual Arts Centre on Wilson Street just behind the Days Inn. They are open to the public from noon until 4 pm Tuesday through Saturday until May 27.