More thoughts on the OCP

To the editor:
On the heels of Lida’s letter I thought I’d offer up a straight forward information piece.
After reading and re-reading Revelstoke’s Official Community Plan (OCP) from 2009, I thought it would be pertinent to share a few key “goals” and “policies” set forth at that time.
Part 3, Charting Our Future, is the most applicable information relating to the Mall proposal.
3.1 THE PEOPLE (pg 19 & 20)
 Community Character 
Community Goals

  • A distinct, diverse community where all residents, families and visitors feel welcome and respected.


  • Retain Revelstoke’s friendly small town character.

Community Participation
Community Goals 

  • Early and ongoing engagement of residents, agencies, businesses and community groups in all community planning activities.


  • Support and nurture resident involvement in community activities and local decision making through a Public Participation Plan.

Retail Sector (pg 36 & 37)

  • Create a retail/entertainment experience that is authentic and unique, capitalizing on the rich heritage and truly spectacular natural setting of Revelstoke.
  • Proactively support the ongoing promotion, improvement and intensification of the downtown businessarea as Revelstoke’s primary focal point and destination.


  • Establish a way finding system to direct visitors to attractions, retail and parking in the downtown core.
  • Consider tax incentives for downtown building owners and retailers to animate building, storefront and signage to add to the sense of place.
  • Ensure retail and commercial uses at RMR are area specific and supportive and do not detract from other City business centers.
  • Ensure that commercial developments outside of the downtown area are necessary, convenience oriented and limited in size and scope such that they act as neighbourhood commercial areas which complement existing and potential developments and do not compromise the vitality and success of the downtown core.
  • Consider zoning regulations that limit or restrict the size and scale of retail and commercial development (‘big box’ retail stores, national chains, shopping malls and plazas, etc.) that, with their establishment, will draw from and compromise the character and economic vitality of the downtown are.
  • Animate the retail environment and pedestrian routes within commercial areas.
  • Encourage experiential retail through design of facades, signage and interiors.
  • Construct an Adventure Centre on the Highway #1 to showcase commerce, retail and tourism activities available in Revelstoke.

(All information is directly quoted from the 74-page OCP document.)
Vanessa Smith
Grizzly Book & Serendipity Shop Ltd.
Revelstoke, BC