By David F. Rooney
Mike Spall, development manager for Hall Pacific, said the company is “thrilled” by the outcome of City Council’s decision to approve zoning changes that add a supermarket, pharmacy, entertainment facility and public assembly as permitted uses for their proposed mall along the Trans-Canada Highway.
“Both Fraser and I are thrilled by yesterday’s outcome and the opportunity that lays before us, which is to create an attractive and welcoming presence at the gateway of Revelstoke that will provide a major boost to the local economy and act as a marketing mechanism for the greater community,” he told The Current on Wednesday morning. “We are determined to ensure that any remaining concerns brought up in yesterday’s council meeting are addressed within the Development Permit Stage.
The next stage of the development process involves a development permit application to the City.
“Key aspects of this stage include working with City staff to ensure the form and character of the development is representative of the community, as well as to submit a comprehensive traffic impact analysis that will outline strategies for ensuring efficient flow of traffic around the development and safe entry and exit onto the site,” Spall said. “We cannot overemphasize how excited we are by the City of Revelstoke, the opportunity to contribute to its economy, and to see this city reach its full potential as a mountain resort community.”
Please click here to read The Current’s story about the vote on the zoning changes sought by Hall Pacific as well watch a complete video of that portion of the Council meeting.