Greenbelt society seeks public support 2015-06-07Illecillewaet Greenbelt Society President Louisa Fleming talked to the Rotary Club on Thursday, June 4, about the challenges the society faces as it works to maintain the 22-acre slice of the wild within our city’s borders. The IGS is always on the lookout for individuals, groups and companies willing to support its projects like its current drive to build and install bat houses in the forested portion of the Greenbelt. Bats are a huge boon to humans because they consume mosquitos and other insect pests. However, they are under threat from the White Nose Syndrome caused by a fungus that has already killed about six or seven million bats in eastern North America. WNS hasn’t reached the mountains yet, but it is on its way and so far nothing can stop it. If you’d like to support the Illecillewaet Greenbelt Society and it projects please click on the link below to visit its website. David F. Rooney photoClick here to visit the Illecillewaet Greenbelt Society’s website.