Two interesting events sponsored by the Chamber

The Chamber of Commerce is hosting a couple of events in June that should be of interest to small businesses whether they are Chamber members or not.
Starting on Tuesday, June 2, there will be a FREE webinar conducted by in the City Council Chambers. Held at noon on the first Tuesday of every month, participants will discover the 20 Ingredients of an Outstanding Downtown.
Led by Roger Brooks, this series will address the roles of:
Part 1:  Property Owners  – June 2nd RSVP NOW!
Part 2:  Public Sector  – July 7th RSVP NOW!
Part 3:  Private Sector – August 4th RSVP NOW! 
Interested parties are invited to bring their lunch and a drink and be prepared to become enthusiastic about ways to improve our community. Space is limited so please register in advance.


Are you feeling a little intimidated by technology?
The Kootenay Rockies Innovation Council (KRIC) is facilitating a seminar on Technology Integration for Small Business, presented by Brett Price of Suite Apps.  This event is being held at the C3 Church, located at 108 First Street West from 1 pm until 4 pm. This seminar will focus on technology strategies, how to align your business process and measure ROI on your investment.
The cost for this seminar is $25 for Chamber members and $40 for non-members.  The deadline for registration is June 19. Please click here to RSVP.