Police Week continues and the Revelstoke RCMP’s community BBQ over lunch on Thursday was a success, said Staff Sgt. Kurt Grabinsky, show here burning burgers with Auxiliary Const. Aaron Volpatti. “Over $200 was raised to donate to the Revelstoke Women’s Shelter,” he said. “There were many youth and adults who thoroughly enjoyed looking at the police equipment and pressing the siren in the police cars.”
All week Grabinsky has been sending local news media descriptions of the files local officers are working on. Late Wednesday and early Thursday’s files consist of several violation tickets as well as attempts to locate 911 callers.
The public is reminded to drive with caution, and to always lock their vehicles. If they must keep valuables in their cars and trucks they should store them out of sight.
“The police will be out this weekend to work on several traffic projects as road safety and impaired driving are issues of concern,” he said.
You can see a couple of other photos from the well-attended BBQ at the bottom of this post. As for the investigations, here they are:
2015-1355 – Abandoned 911 call
The call was not attached to any phone therefore police are unable to locate the caller’s physical location (this occur very frequently, in all of Canada.
2015-1356 – Lost Property
Report of a lost licence plate.
2015-1357 – Abandoned 911 call
No subscriber information for the cell phone. Unable to render assistance if it was required.
2015-1358 – Erratic Driver
Report of a commercial vehicle being driven aggressively and tailgating on the Trans-Canada Highway.
2015-1359 – Abandoned 911 call
Multiple calls from a cell phone but with no caller information or location, no assistance able to be rendered.
2015-1360 – Possession of CDSA
A vehicle was stopped east of Revelstoke on the TCH. The vehicle driver was in possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.
2015-1361 – Theft Under $5,000
Report received of an iPad stolen from an unlocked vehicle in the evening of May 12.
2015-1362 – Abandoned Vehicle
In the morning of May 14 police were advised of a vehicle that had been parked for three days in the Roger’s Pass area.
2015-1363 – Erratic Driver
At noon on May 14 police were dispatched to investigate a traffic complaint by a driver who reported that a commercial vehicle was following him too closely.