Celebrate the Year of Craft: Textiles with this amazing show! — UPDATED!

If you are anything like me you'll be absolutely gobsmacked by what you see at this evening's opening at the Revelstoke Visual Arts Centre. I won't say anything else as I don;t want to play the spoiler. David F. Rooney photo
If you are anything like me you’ll be absolutely gobsmacked by what you see at this evening’s opening at the Revelstoke Visual Arts Centre. I won’t say anything else as I don’t want to play the spoiler. David F. Rooney photo

By David F. Rooney
If you are anything like me you’ll be absolutely gobsmacked by one of the very first works of art you see at this evening’s opening at the Revelstoke Visual Arts Centre. I won’t say anything else about what that may be as I don’t want to play the spoiler. But trust me: You Will Be Amazed.
This evening’s opening featurds two shows. Transient Landscapes is an exhibition of watercolours by Christina Lake artist Richard Reid. This series of paintings focuses on the landscapes he sees each day. This is an interesting show by itself but it is the second show, Celebrating the Year of Craft: Textiles, that stunned me. (My friend Leslie Savage was likewise stunned; please click here to read her impressions of the show.)
This show features works by Reid’s wife, Beverley, Robin Wiltse, Janet Armstrong, Lois McLeod, Jean Brighouse and a number of talented members of our own Revelstoke Visual Arts Society. The works on display in this show are produced by women who are clearly at the peak of their creative powers and are excellent examples of the immense power of craft to stimulate and even fool the senses. If you do not come see this show you will certainly regret it.
Here are a few images from the exhibitions, which are on display at the Visual Arts Centre Tuesday through Saturday from noon – 4 pm until May 1:
Spirals By Jean Brighouse Textiles
By Jean Brighouse

A Business of Ferrets By Robin Wiltse Textile
A Business of Ferrets
By Robin Wiltse

Octopus Garden By Lois McLeod Textiles
Octopus Garden
By Lois McLeod

Wearable Art - Children's Clothing  By Debbie Loewen Textiles
Wearable Art – Children’s Clothing
By Debbie Loewen

Dolls Lois McLeod Textiles
By Lois McLeod

There's nothing like a great exhibition to provoke a lively discussion. David F. Rooney photo
There’s nothing like a great exhibition to provoke a lively discussion. David F. Rooney photo

East Face By Richard Reid Watercolour
East Face
By Richard Reid

Cathy Granstrom admires one of the gorgeous tapestries on exhibition. David F. Rooney photo
Cathy Granstrom admires one of the gorgeous tapestries on exhibition. David F. Rooney photo

Standing Guard By Beverly Reid Textiles
Standing Guard
By Beverly Reid

At Day's End — A triptych h By Janet Armstrong Textiles
At Day’s End — A triptych h
By Janet Armstrong

Vancouver potter Bob Kingsmill, who is in Revelstoke to conduct a workshop for would-be ceramicists, admires Beverly Reid's clever installation, Homage to a Rock.  If you are interested in attending Bob's workshop at the Visual Arts Centre on Sunday starting at 9:45 am please contact Sandra Flood at 250-837-???? David F. Rooney photo
Vernon potter Bob Kingsmill, who is in Revelstoke to conduct a workshop for would-be ceramicists, admires Beverly Reid’s clever installation, Homage to a Rock. If you are interested in attending Bob’s workshop at the Visual Arts Centre on Sunday starting at 9:45 am please contact Sandra Flood at 250-814-0205 or send her an e-mail at smflood@telus.net. David F. Rooney photo