By David F. Rooney
The Revelstoke Current’s first venture into video recording City Council meetings proceeded on Tuesday, July 8.
That day’s meeting lasted 39 minutes and the resulting video file is over a gigabyte in size.
All future Council meetings will be similarly recorded and posted. They might also be shown on RCTV for those people who do not have computers.
While I don’t expect large numbers of viewers, I do think between 100 and 300 people will likely tune in. I could be wrong about that; I have been wrong before. However, it’s enough to provide Revelstokians with the opportunity to easily watch a City Council meeting unfold on their computer screens.
Understanding what is happening within our municipal government is particularly important as we move towards the civic election in November. While I do publish stories about City Council I believe our citizens have a right to see our Mayor and Councillors, as well as those people who appear before it, in raw and unfiltered action. An informed citizenry has an opportunity to cast informed and effective votes. An uninformed and apathetic electorate is unlikely to exercise its franchise effectively.
Ideally, these videos will give Revelstoke voters the information they need to vote effectively come November.
This video is hosted on The Current’s YouTube channel and can be viewed here: