There were some pretty big winners in this year’s Summer Reading Club at the Revelstoke Public Library.
Ava Keerak won the Club’s Grand Prize, a remote-controlled aircraft, while Holly Hamilton won the club’s mascot and the Read to Me Club mascot winner was Noah Williams. The Club’s Web Game winner was Shea Ross-L’Ecluse and the Read to Me Grand Prize winner was David Yoon.
The library staff — Joan Holzer, Zoe Knuff, Lucie Bergeron and Susan Knight — said the program was a great success and she wanted to express the library’s appreciation to everyone who helped make this year’s program a success, Elks Lodge# 453, David Rooney, Ken Jones, the Revelstoke Remote Control Club, Revelstoke Parks and Recreation, the Parks and Recreation Grounds Maintenance Crew, Lester’s Hobbies, Pharmasave, Video Express, Krista Carnegie, Lisa Moore, Harumi Sakiyama, Michelle and Alexandrine Cole, Meagan Walford, Mary Doebert and “all the wonderful parent helpers.”
And just in case anyone’s wondering, there is one final draw to come. That one is for David Rooney’s painting, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.
Here are pictures of some of this year’s winners.