By David F. Rooney
Saturday proved to be a very busy start to the Mother’s Day weekend. There were street sales, bottle drives, barbecues and more going on all over town.
Here’s a pictorial overview of just about everything that happened:
The Mother’s Day Weekend started off as a busy one with events all over town, including the annual Lego event at the Railway Museum. Adelaide Dunkerson (left) and her friend Dana Mahoney were two of the children who brought their Lego creations. David F. Rooney photo The Lego event was a great way for families to interact. David F. Rooney photo There were street sales all over downtown. Although there was rain early in the morning by 10 am it had mostly dried out and people flocked downtown to peruse the sales of everything from plants to clothing. David F. Rooney photo Even Sparky the Fire Dog ambled downtown to the Farm and Craft Market. David F. Rooney photo Lots of people looked for bargains down on First Street West. David F. Rooney photo Over at the Fire Hall, hundreds of people like former fire chief Mike Martinuk (foreground, right), shown here talking with firefighter Dan Hutchison, turned out to see the Fire Rescue Service’s new ladder truck. David F. Rooney photo Firefighters had a couple of wrecked clunkers on hand that they planned to disassemble with their tools. David F. Rooney photo The demonstration of tools available to firefighters, narrated by Dan Sculnick, fascinated the crowd. David F. Rooney photo Sparky was on hand to meet with some of the Fire Rescue Services younger fans. David F. Rooney photo And there was food — all the burgers, hot dogs and cake you could eat, served up for free by some of Revelstoke’s intrepid firefighters. David F. Rooney photo Fire Chief Rob Girard (right) chats with a resident about the new truck. David F. Rooney photo Firefighter Geoff Wilson (center, descending the ladder) went aloft the take a few photos. David F. Rooney photo Coming down that ladder looks as though it demands a few serious skill sets from Geoff. Steve Olsson photo Here’s what Revelstoke looks like from atop the ladder. CLICK HERE TO SEE A LARGER VERSION OF THIS IMAGE. Geoff Wilson photo Meanwhile, across town, the Aquaducks were busy counting all the bottles and cans they had gathered during their fund-raising bottle drive. David F. Rooney photo Just across the way, the Grade 7 students from Columbia Park Elementary School were counting their own bottles and cans as they strive to earn the last $1,600 they needed for a class graduation trip at the end of May. David F. Rooney photo That patio furniture, on display during Home hardware’s spring sidewalk sale, looks pretty comfy, doesn’t it? David F. Rooney photo Speaking of comfy, Steve Bender looks rather at ease chowing down on a smokie at the Home Hardware sale. David F. Rooney photo And then there was the Big Bike! The Heart and Stroke Foundation’s popular fund-raising ride was bak in town to the delight of young and old. David F. Rooney photo The next day, Sunday, was a lovely spring day and brought out lots of soccer players. David F. Rooney photo