By Staff Sergeant Grabinsky,
Revelstoke is now entering the season where bears are accessing urban spaces and rural residential areas. Many reports of bears on school grounds, city green spaces and neighbourhoods have already been received by the RCMP. The Police wish to ensure the safety of the public and also respect wildlife. Therefore the following information is provided to the public regarding potential wildlife conflicts or observed attractants.
Who to call?
Call the RAPP Line (Report All Poacher and Polluters) of the BC Conservation Officer Service at 1-877-952-7277, to advise of a dangerous wildlife human conflict or a high risk bear.
Observed bears in neighbourhoods can be reported to the Revelstoke Bear Aware team at 250-837-8624. They will be able to place “Bear in Area” signs to notify the public.
Issues of unsecure garbage or bear attractants can be reported to the City of Revelstoke at 250-837-2911 or online to the City of Revelstoke See Click Fix application, www.Revelstoke.ca/332/See-Click-Fix
If the area is outside of the city limits, then a call to the Columbia Shuswap Regional District is appropriate at 250-832-8194 or 1-888-248-2773.
The RCMP will respond when urgent cases of bear conflicts are occurring, by assisting the BC Conservation Officer Service. The Conservation Officer will be responding from another community as there are no Conservation Officers based in Revelstoke. The public is encouraged to reduce wildlife conflicts by gleaning fruit trees, securing garbage and maintaining distances from bears wherever possible.
For further information please consult the Revelstoke Bear Aware site at www.revelstokebearaware.org or the city of Revelstoke web site at www.revelstoke.ca