$240,000 Available To Support BC Parks Volunteer Projects

With the summer fun on the horizon, families are starting to plan their extra-long weekends, camping getaways and excursions. During the warmer months, BC Parks are always booming with guests; both local and out of towners.

The Province is giving out $240,000 to support volunteer projects that will enhance park services as well as protect the conservation and heritage values of the natural spaces throughout BC.

Revelstoke is known for not only its volunteerism, but for its love for Mother Nature. Volunteers can apply up to $5,000 per project for the 2018/19 season. Each of the BC Parks has been allocated 420,000 to support conservation projects and an additional $20,000 to support recreation projects. There is also $40,000 available for multi-regional projects.

The Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, George Heyman stated “Volunteers are the lifeblood of BC Parks, and we want to give them the support they need to continue doing their great work in parks throughout the province.”

In past years, funding has gone to volunteer projects that include:

  • putting up interpretive signage;
  • building huts, docks and trails;
  • controlling invasive species;
  • providing information to visitors; an

We, as a community, are constantly looking at ways to upgrade areas in Revelstoke. We are lucky to have the Columbia Basin Trust as a major supporter of many of our endeavours, but like all fundraising campaigns, it all can’t come from the same pot. This will be a nice opportunity for those in Revelstoke that could use the potential $5,000 to enhance the Park.