Revelstoke has been screaming for years about the dangers of Three Valley Gap, At this point majority of the community are aware of what happened in 2002 when the enormous boulder fell off the mountain and of course the extremely scary situation in October when a mid-size boulder cascaded off and smashed Shannon Smith’s SUV sending her into a tailspin.
While the community knows that area has slides, After Shannon’s scary situation, hopefully more locals driving out of town are more alert than before. On Wednesday, the Revelstoke Current was given a photo and a report that another hefty boulder was smack dab in the middle of the highway at TVG. This boulder tumbling down was a useful tool for Clovechok to try and hit home for our Minsiter of Highways, Clair Travena.
Don’t confuse the boulder falling as a good thing, but the irony behind the statement is that Mayor Mark McKee and MLA Doug Clovechok were in a meeting with the Minister while this took place. Clovechok immediately took the image to our Minister.
Clovechok claimed that while the meeting between McKee, Clovechok and Trevena, nothing came out of it in terms of TVG becoming a priority for expansion.
“We certainly didn’t come out of that meeting with any kind of plan about Three Valley Gap. They are going to be push from Alberta Border through Golden and towards Revelstoke in 2019, but TVG, they just don’t understand the severity of this area.”

Expansion of Donald Station to Ford Station is already underway- then Kicking Horse Canyon is the big push with a million dollars a Kilometre. The Provincial Government will be putting $429-Million and the Federal Government will be matching it. It potentially could be the most expensive highway project on the Trans-Canada Highway in history.
The New Democratic Party (NDP) are looking at passing a new legislative law that would force all transport trucks to place chains on their tires in the winter, and if caught without that a very hefty fine would be issued.
“That’s all well and good, but how do you police that?”
Clovechok told the Revelstoke Current, that while the meeting did not bring any new news about our treacherous stretch that he will continue to bring it up and be the squeaky wheel until they realize the issue is not going away.