The Revelstoke Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Store has been the heart of community spirit for years with wonderful volunteers and the overwhelming donations to numerous causes throughout town. In 2017, the Thrift Store donated an astounding $285,422.11 to numerous programs in Revelstoke.
the local groups and organizations that benefited this past year were:
- Community Connections Food Bank: $12,000.00
- Queen Victoria Hospital: $199,185.82
- Revelstoke Community Foundation: $2,010.00
- Revelstoke District Health Fund: $50,000
- Patient Care: $11,026.29
- Student Bursaries: $4,000.00
- RDHF: EZ Rock Radiothon: $5,000.00

The RHAS was instrumental in the purchase of the Fire Departments new apparatus as they donated $25,000 towards the truck and of course, were supportive of the Heli-Pad Project (along with many other great donors) with a $50,000 donation.
Every year the RHAS donates well over $200K back into the community in some fashion, so every shirt, mirror, kitchenware or boots that are donated, it all benefits us in some round about way.
The Board of Directors and the volunteer staff have a message for all those who donate to and frequent the establishment on 2nd Street.

“We have such great customers who shop at the thrift store for various things, but the highlights have been finding costumes for a special theme party; that truly keeps our volunteers entertained! If you are hosting a party, with a little notice, we could pull out certain costumes to help with that special theme party. If you have created something unique or artistic with an item purchased from the thrift store, we would like to see pictures of that as well as the fun parties!”
Think of how long it takes to clean out the basement, closet, garage and pack up and drop off for donation all the items you no longer want, need or desire to keep. Dropping items off is like a few bricks off the shoulder; less stuff to deal with. You’d drop it off and away you go. Those items that you no longer desire, must be sorted, organized and re-shelved after pricing. That takes a lot of time, patience and community mindedness for those that spend their day giving back by volunteering for the RHAS.
Kudos, to all the staff/volunteers at the Revelstoke Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Store!