Hopefully for the most of us, our children are healthy, happy and off playing with friends and exploring the world around them. That is not always the case for some families as they have sick children who need around the clock care. Young Haley Speidel realizes this and wanted to make a difference in a strangers life and decided to cut off her beautiful long hair and donate it to Kids for Wigs.
A shy yet sweet Haley told the Revelstoke Current, “I wanted my hair short and I wanted to donate my hair to help other kids out.”
Haley met with her stylist, Michelle Hunter from Pure Image to cut the 11 inches off, create a cute new style for herself and donate the difference to help another child feel a little bit better in a time they might need it most.
Once the hair is delivered to Wig for Kids, a Thank-You card will be sent in the mail back to

Sketch by Rob Buchanan.
Haley. Surely a card she will keep as a reminder of the good deed she did for a perfect stranger.
You have a big heart, Haley!
This is nothing short of a Rooney Grin!