If adults get dolled up and ready for a night out on the down with dinner and some dancing, why can’t the kids?! Well, that is exactly what happened at the Let’s GLOW Crazy family dance party!
With well over 300 people in attendance the Revelstoke Community Centre was hoppin’ and boppin’ with upbeat tunes from the 80s, 90s and today (with a few eye rollers like the Gummy bear song) the kids were having a great time dancing the…late afternoon away!
As the kids ate hamburgers and hotdogs for free, they re-energized to hit the dance floor again! Chris Lee from Southside Market donated the food and the Squash Club helped out by making sure those hungry kids were fed.
This event was put together with funding from the BCRPA and supported by the Province of B.C. as well as the City of Revelstoke Parks, Recreation and Culture Department.
With that being said, a major recognition goes to Meghan MacIssac who spent countless hours making this fun, free and safe event happen on an otherwise quiet Saturday afternoon/early evening. These big events are a lot of work and a lot of time, effort and creativity go into making all of the parts move correctly. Great job to Meghan and all of the volunteers to lent a helping hand.