The Community Connections Food Bank (CCFB) had an extremely successful holiday season in terms of donations. This year, the CCFB provided 168 hampers for 285 people including 214 adults and 142 children.
The people of Revelstoke were incredibly gracious as roughly 5000 pounds of food was donated, as well as a very respectable amount of cash donations poured in. The statistics for 2017 came in at 266 households, 326 adults and 109 children were assisted with the food bank services this past year. 435 people are routinely helped thorough the year to help ensure that food is in the cupboard, the fridge and on the table.
Citizens come out in droves to help build up the bank for the new year. It takes countless hours of sifting, organizing and of course, managing. CCFB Coordinator, Patti Larson shared with the Revelstoke Current just how shocked she was with this years donations.

“Every time I turned around, there was a new fundraiser! It helps so much because it allows me to focus on what I need to do. It is not just locals, it is also those visiting for the holidays and decide to purchase food and toys and donate it.”
Larson was thrilled with the continual success of this food bank. Many were created decades ago with the notion of a short term fix, however, in our community the locals recognize the need for the program and help continue to support its growth.
Food banks can bring skepticism. Many have wondered what the process is to receive the donated goods and whether or not we are catering to those that are here to ski and play, ultimately taking advantage of the food bank and the good natured people who donate.
“I tell people all the time, if anyone wants to know the process, I am happy to either explain it to them or have them go through the process themselves, so they know what it is truly like. The individuals and families that use the (food) bank are people who leave here year round, and need this service.”
I personally looked into the process to see how easy it is to access, and quite frankly, it is not. I think it is important for those who have concerns, skepticism or feel that the bank is to keep those fed who are here to play and not give back, to ask Patti directly. You will find a straight answer.
Albeit, Patti Larson is the face of the CCFB- at least 15-20 locals volunteer their time to support this program six days a week, and many of them have been doing it for years.
Two young volunteers come to the basement of the Royal Canadian Legion every Friday to help and to socialize. Both Christopher Bowerman and Colten Hollenberg, organize and make sure everything is neat, tidy and stocked accordingly. Both of these young gentlemen were recently awarded the Spirit of Revelstoke Award through Community Futures-Revelstoke for their dedication to the CCFD. An accolade well deserved.
Larson spoke highly of these two young lads, “They are both very good at helping out and take great pride in doing their jobs. Chris is fantastic with Colten, he shows him how to do things properly and we enjoy having them here with us.”
the donations that were brought in recently should stretch until sometime in June, this is when the cash donations will begin to stock the bare shelves. This will allow for a variety of different foods as well as fresh, local fruits and vegetables for the 266 households.