Those that know the Manager of the Red Apple, Trevor English have been wondering what is going on with his hair! Usually a clean cut look is what English has been known to sport, however, as of late it has been getting shaggier, and even in a so-called, man-bun.
The Revelstoke Current did some deep, investigative journalism into the matter and it turns out English was growing his hair out to donate it for children who may need a wig for those undergoing Cancer treatment.

“I have always wanted to do it, some kid who is going through chemotherapy and how hard that would be, if this helps even a little, that’s great. I wanted to help someone, it took no effort and it was something I always wanted to do.” English told the Revelstoke Current.
So after a year and a half of growth, the Current cracked the case. Kudos, Mr. English. You can now begin the process all over again, (I would ask your better half first if she wants the man-bun again) however, perhaps if there is a second round, you will time it so you shave your head when it is warmer than -10!!