Finding the holiday spirit can be tricky. We have many tasks that surround this festive time of year and we don’t always have time to stop and smell the holly. We stampede out of town to shop for items we can’t find in town, make arrangements with the various family members on each side and of course, start the Christmas card writing fiasco. “Honey, how do you spell your cousins name and what’s his address?”

That is the work. In order to make the effort worth while, we have to seek out the cheer. How do we seek out the joy when we have our daily tasks to tend too as well as the holiday shenanigans that ensue? Stop and take a moment, and listen to the lyrics.
Christmas carols are a wonderful way to find the core Spirit of Christmas. Perhaps you enjoy the songs that are light hearted in nature about snow falling, St. Nicholas coming to town or bells that jingle; or the carols that have a religious touch to them like, O Little Town of Bethlehem or Hark! the Herald Angels Sing, taking time for yourself to ease into the warmth of song is a great way to find that joy.

On Sunday, December 10th and Monday December 11th the Revelstoke Community Choir will be presenting the Bells of Christmas, at the Revelstoke United Church at 7:00pm with the doors opening at 6:30pm. Tickets are $10.00, available at the Community Centre or at the Church.
For the price of a fancy coffee, why not allow yourself a nice evening of Christmas merriment to help turn those holiday choirs into a fun activity!