What a miraculous moment on Mackenzie Avenue! It comes to no surprise that the children of this fine community came out to show the Grinch who was really in charge; they were! With the thrill of Santa and a dash of community spirit, the kids of Revelstoke were able to bring the energy and the true emotions of this time of year to the forefront and convince the Grinch not to steal Christmas!
With a wonderful kick off performance by the Begbie View Elementary choir, they set the tone and mood for the next three hours. Elevation Dance Academy put their best heels forward with their lovely showcase and Bob Whiteheads’ wood carving was a delight.
With a nice window for social chat, the Revelstoke Community Band was a nice touch in the background.

Partial to Pie came to the game and kept the energy lively for when national performer Andrew Allen brought his talent back to our humble gazebo. Allen, was no stranger to our bandshell, as he performed there many times for the Revelstoke Street Festival long before his songs ‘Satellite’ ‘What You Wanted’, and ‘Where Did You Go?’ became nationally syndicated.
As the sky became a cool blue, the classic fire engine came blissfully down Mackenzie with Santa Claus and his lovely wife, Mrs. Claus in tow. A bright and jolly Santa came with a wonderful speech on the true meaning of Christmas, while his better half, Mrs. Clause, had a silent charming quality. Well done, Mrs. Clause. Well done.

With the true spirit of christmas now properly intact in Revelstoke, we can now dive into the holiday season!
Professional photos by Zoya Lynch Photography will be posted soon!
The Project Sponsors:
A project like this does not go without its numerous sponsors and supporters. This would not have been possible had these groups not helped out with financial donations:
1) Revelstoke Community Foundation 2) Columbia Basin Trust 3) Revelstoke Accommodations Association 4) Community Futures-Revelstoke 5) Royal Bank of Canada-Revelstoke
Thank you to the board of directors from each faction.

Photo by Michelle Hunter.
The Revelstoke Arts Council were instrumental in making sure everything is done correctly, and within budget. Thank you to the RAC board of directors.
Revelstoke Equipment Rental; When it comes to getting everything done and done correctly, we have to give a major shout out to Brett & Scott Renaud who graciously donate their time and equipment. This is no small task (Or a light one), and they continuously give back to our community in a big way.
Angus Woodman from Downie Timber/Selkirk, graciously found the right tree and made sure it is ready to go.
Ian Sasges from Sasges Crane Services, saved us last minute! He stepped up to the plate when we needed a crane to transport the tree and Ian jumped on board without a beat.
Mike Copperthwaite from the Revelstoke Community Forest Corporation, donated the wood for Bob Whitehead to carve and made all of the arrangements.
Nathan Weston from Revy Straight Up Construction for building the Grinches’ BRESCO bin and for being a good sport about it.
The Revelstoke Rotary Club took time from their personal schedules to set up the tents for the event and graciously donated the use of them.

Photo by Tina Miertsch
Laurie Donato from Parks, Recreation & Culture and Darren Komonoski from Public Works for finding the time in their hectic schedules to make sure the tree was decorated for the event; and to the Revelstoke Credit Union for donating the lights.
Chris Lee from Southside Market for donating the cookies and creating the decorating area; Roma Threatful and the Girl Guides of Revelstoke for the ornament decoration corner; Marie Levesque for painting the little ones faces; Tina Shultz for the amazing 3-D Grinch makeup.
Dave Lafreniere for hosting the wonderful event and to Jamie Mayes for stage managing the production and making sure it all fell into place.
Josiah Olson from New Horizon Productions for making sure the sound and lights were perfect.
Brian & Donna Lecompte from Tim Hortons for their hot chocolate stand that was graciously donated by these two wonderful people.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!