HUB International and Pharmasave are hosting a fundraising barbeque to help the Community Connections Food Bank, which is struggling to put enough food on its shelves to feed the many families that depend on it.
The BBQ will be on Saturday, July 8, from 11 am – 2 pm with a hot dog and soft drink going for $5. The BBQ will be in front of HUB and Pharmasave on Victoria Road.
“Pharmasave and HUB will donate the food for the BBQ and ALL proceeds with be donated to the Food Bank so they can purchase much needed supplies for the Food Bank,” said a statement from HUB manager John Grass. “There will also be a donation bin if anyone would like to drop off food items.”
That doesn’t mean you can’t donate food now, however. Stop by HUB and make a donation any day during office hours.
The Food Bank’s continuing crisis needs to be addressed, something generous Revelstokians can do for just a few bucks each.
Here’s a list of foodstuffs the agency says can help feed the almost 200 local families that rely on it:
- Tuna and salmon;
- Past — white and whole wheat;
- Pasta sauces;
- Beans — kidney, chickpeas and black beans;
- Chunky-style soups, stews and chilis;
- Cereal — both hot and cold;
- Rice – brown and white;
- Canned vegetables and fruit;
- Peanut butter; and
- Infant formula and diapers.