This is the time of year when we make a special effort to think of others. It is a time to celebrate the generosity of the human spirit and to give of ourselves to make others’ lives better.
But you tell me that taking care of each other is important year round, not just as individuals through charitable giving and volunteer work, but as a society. For this, we rely on the leadership of our provincial government.
You believe that every British Columbian has a right to clean air and water, healthy food, and adequate shelter. And you know that if we make the right choices, our province has the ability to achieve that goal.
We also believe that all citizens deserve access to quality education and healthcare, regardless of their financial circumstances. This too is an achievable goal as long as we have a government that shares this belief.
I would add that we have a right to live in safe surroundings with the opportunity to participate actively in the economy. These are all things that must be supported and encouraged by our provincial government, and we must hold our provincial leaders to account when they fail in this regard.
Canada is a nation that comes closer than most to achieving these goals and with it creating a more equitable society. But we are far from the level of achievement that is possible and necessary.
Over the past number of decades we have moved backwards as a Province and as a country. This cannot be acceptable to any of us.
Equitable societies are good for everyone. When everyone’s basic needs are met, society is more stable, healthier and more prosperous as a whole.
Politics is about choices. Our political leaders’ priorities are made clear with every choice that they make.
I know that the citizens of Columbia River Revelstoke consistently choose to look after each other. We choose to build communities that are as fair and equitable as possible.
We need to ensure that we have provincial and federal governments that have the same priorities that we do. This is how we build strong resilient communities that meet our needs and build the best future possible for our children and grandchildren.
Norm Macdonald MLA Columbia River Revelstoke | 1-866-870-4188 | norm.macdonald.mla@leg.bc.ca