By David F. Rooney
The annual Volunteer Night and Spirit of Revelstoke Award ceremony was a a real hit on Tuesday evening as scores of attended the event at the Community Centre.
There were also 27 Spirit of Revelstoke Award winners this year. They were:
- Robert Okamura – Handyman for many seniors and people in need. He drives people to medical appointments out of town;
- David Pearson – Volunteer for the Revelstoke Cycling Association, leading weekly trailing building and maintenance sessions. He is also a volunteer firefighter;
- Mark Tottenham – Food Bank Volunteer with a smile for everyone;
- Andy Pfeiffer – 25 years as a volunteer head coach for the Revelstoke Secondary Track and Field Team and a huge contributor to the Revelstoke Aquaducks;
- Megan Cottingham – Sits on the Stoke Youth Network Executive Committee and the Youth Action Committee. Is a Volunteer Firefighter. Megan has demonstrated her community spirit, initiative and leadership skills;
- Raine Carnegie – Took part in a provincial initiative with Erase Bullying BC as a student representative from School District 19. Also sits on the Youth Advisory committee and a member of the Stoke Youth Network;
- Brian Sumner – Chair of the Board of the Revelstoke Forestry Museum and a dedicated volunteer and fundraiser at the Forestry Museum;
- Keri Knapp – Outstanding leader of the Revelstoke Multicultural Society in celebrating and honoring multiculturalism in our community;
- Steven Hui – Steven has made significant contributions to the community as a volunteer for many years. Most recently, Steven is spearheading the project to raise funds for the helipad at Queen Victoria Hospital;
- Mandy McQuarrie – Mandy has volunteered to rebuild Minor Ball to a thriving youth sport in Revelstoke. Her efforts are allowing the youth of Revelstoke to experience a fun sport in an exceptionally well organized environment;
- Don Hawker – Don volunteers many hours at the Railway Museum and with the vintage Car club and has been involved with many heritage and cultural organizations over the years. He is active on the Board of the Railway Museum always helping with building and grouinds maintenance. He is a volunteer firefighter and is quick to help with any club that has a true spirit of Revelstoke;
- The Revelstoke Hospital Auxiliary – these volunteers put in countless hours at the Revelstoke Hospital Auxiliary Society working hard to ensure all items are in working order and clean while putting extra care and organization in the building upkeep and gardens. If not for all the volunteers at the Thrift Shop the generous ongoing donations from the thrift shop cannot be realized and appreciated by the community. Representing the society are Carolyn Campbell, Ken Campbell, Judy Minifie, Peter Zmaeff, Terry Sutherland, Fern Foat, Wendy Larson and Randy Gribble; and finally
- The Begbie View Elementary Breakfast Program – this group of volunteers prepare and serve a nutritious breakfast for students to ensure they have a great start to their day. They are Murdoch Tegard (student) – Murdoch helps set up chairs and take count — Helen Kondos-Sheppard, Kendra Von Bremen, Kathy Inkster, Ann Quinn and Chris MacMillian.
- Unfortunately, Lori Milmine could not attend the ceremony to receive her award. Lori is known as a reliable and dedicated volunteer tutor for the ESL Settlement Assistance Program. She accommodates the needs of learners to help improve their English and to become more connected to our community.
Here are some photos from the evening that I hope you enjoy: