The vibrant, clear notes of trumpets ring out across the theatre as the Foothills Brass Quintet starts their show. They’re joined by the bold and deep tones of a trombone, a French horn and a tuba.
These instruments and their players (Chris Morrison, Derrick Milton trumpets; Rosalee Morrison French horn; Carsten Rubeling trombone; Jean-François Cotnoir tuba) form the current Foothills Brass Quintet from Calgary, which will grace the Revelstoke Performing Arts Centre stage on Saturday, December 3 at 7:30 pm.
To open the concert with them will be Revelstoke’s proud musical tradition, the Revelstoke Community Band.
Foothills Brass brings a new perspective to the typical brass genre. Humour, dialogue and theatrics make their shows interactive and comedic, while nimble fingers and musical virtuosity delight the audience.
This Christmas-focused show will include a wide variety of seasonal favourites, classical and jazz hits, sing-alongs, and fun. They’ll bring the house down with their unique version of Sleigh Ride!
The quintet, which performs about 150 events each year, is celebrating 35 years of concert touring across North America and beyond. They’ve entertained audiences, dazzled students with their high-energy educational programs and delighted adults with their incredible versatility. Their catchphrase is they deliver serious fun!
Catch the Foothills Brass Quintet on Saturday, December 3 at 7: 30 pm at the Revelstoke Performing Arts Centre on 1007 Vernon Avenue. Tickets are $15. Please click here to purchase your tickets online.
For more information please visit their website at www.foothillsbrass.ca