AHE Kindergarten kids loved carving pumpkins with their dads

By Giovanna Tedesco  and Allyssa Bollefer
AHE Kindergarten teacher & Student Reporter-Photographer

The annual Dads’ Pumpkin Carving event took place in Ms. Tedesco’s Arrow Heights’ Kindergarten class on Wednesday, October 26.

The kindergarten students had a chance to weigh their pumpkin, guess how many seeds were in it, and talk about what shapes they would like to cut out. It looks like everyone had a fun time spending time with their dads and enjoying some treats!  Check it out for yourself:

Eli and his dad Jess. Alyssa Bollefer photo
Eli and his dad Jess. Alyssa Bollefer photo
Harlan and his dad Dave. Alyssa Bollefer photo
Harlan and his dad Dave. Alyssa Bollefer photo
Zach and his dad Bryan. Alyssa Bollefer photo
Zach and his dad Bryan. Alyssa Bollefer photo