Hot pets? Hot kids? Not Cool!

Andrew Moore is a guy with a big heart, which he proved by donning a faux fur coat and then sitting inside a parked car for as long as he could endure it. Ten minutes — that was just about the limit he could stand being cooked inside the vehicle on Saturday, July 30. And it wasn't even as hot outside at the Alpine Village Shopping Centre. It was abut 28° Celsius when he performed the stunt to bring attention to the stupidity of some humans who leave their pets — And sometimes even their own children! — locked inside hot cars on summer days. So how hit was inside? Try 45°. It's a wonder Andrew managed 10 minutes. What might have happened had he been a a toddler or a dog, cat or some other kind of small creature? I think we know the answer to that. Wake up, people! Please don't leave your children or pets inside locked cars on summer days. Even if you're just dashing into the supermarket or some other place for 'just a few minutes.' If you appreciate his stunt please consider assisting the Revelstoke & District Humane Society. David F. Rooney photo
Andrew Moore is a guy with a big heart, which he proved by donning a faux fur coat and then sitting inside a parked car for as long as he could endure it. Ten minutes — that was just about the limit he could stand being cooked inside the vehicle on Saturday, July 30. And it wasn’t even as hot outside at the Alpine Village Shopping Centre. It was about 25° Celsius when he performed the stunt to bring attention to the stupidity of some humans who leave their pets — And sometimes even their own children! — locked inside hot cars on summer days. So how hit was inside? Try 45°. It’s a wonder Andrew managed 10 minutes. What might have happened had he been a a toddler or a dog, cat or some other kind of small creature? I think we know the answer to that. Wake up, people! Please don’t leave your children or pets inside locked cars on summer days. Even if you’re just dashing into the supermarket or some other place for what you think is ‘just a few minutes.’ If you appreciate his stunt please consider assisting the Revelstoke & District Humane Society. David F. Rooney photo