By David F. Rooney
EZ Rock’s Have-a-Heart Radiothon raised an amazing $16,207 dollars. That’s $1,007 more than the fund-raising campaign’s goal of $15,200 and $4,000 more than was raised last year, Shaun Aquiline said at the end of what was, for him, a very long day.
Shaun was on-air all day talking up the many, many auction items donated by local and regional businesses, interviewing many of the folks who dropped by to donate money or post a bid and generally having a good time. That he is articulate, personable and has a very quick wit doubtless stood him in good stead ensuring that this day-long show remained fresh enjoyable.
The money will be used to purchase three things Queen Victoria Hospital really needs:
- A $6,500 Epidural Positioning System complete with stand that allows staff to position patients safely and comfortably by holding them securely in the correct position for placement of an epidural so they can relax without movement. It is a device that is specifically developed for use in operating rooms and labour and delivery suites. The stand provides an adjustable mount for the Epidural Positioning Device as well as an adjustable foot rest, torso support and arm rest.
- A $1,700 Digital Pediatric Scale with cart for the Emergency Room. This professional Pediatric Scale comes with an easy-to-clean-and-sterilize removable seat.
- A $7,000 ivNow 6 Fluid Warmer that improves processes and recovery time by efficiently warming patients of all ages. The system records the shelf life and temperature of every IV bag simplifying procedures by keeping fluids warm and ready to go at the point of care. This can be used in all areas of the hospital i.e. delivery room, operating room and specifically in the Emergency Room for hypothermic patients.
Here are a few photos from the day: