Re: Feedback regarding the proposal for a roundabout
To the Editor:
As a taxpayer, my question to all elected members of Revelstoke City Council is to reconsider their proposal for a roundabout by Tim Hortons in favor of making a few lower-cost adjustments to the access roads already in existence.
The congestion in this area is mostly occurring on the long weekends in the summer.
With more than 50 years in the construction industry that extends to highway and roadwork, I have been reflecting on a solution that both minimizes costs and maximizes the use of current roads and infrastructure. This way it also minimizes new costs for the city and citizens of Revelstoke.
Rather than the roundabout, I would propose trying one-way traffic on the frontage road with access by the Super 8 Motel to Tim Hortons, entering and exiting from the traffic light at Highway 23 North.
This would relieve some of the congestion at the golf course access light and there would not be any truck traffic using the present Tim Hortons exit.
The cost would include a few signs on the highway that would be minimal. The access at the back of the Super 8 Motel and exiting via the frontage road would not interfere with the travel trailer sewage site. This would also not interfere with Subway access and parking.
My suggestion is give this a try this tourist season, before spending the proposed $2.5 million on a roundabout that may not be needed.
Thank you for your consideration and a response to myself and other taxpayers would be appreciated.
Warm regards,
Ray Speerbrecker
Revelstoke, BC