Are you a Big Eddy ostrich? Did you stick your head in the sand when told you must have a new water system and why you need it?
My take on the subject comes a little early this month because of the urgency of the matter — City involvement in running and refurbishing your dilapidated water system. The system belongs in the critical care unit in the home for old infrastructures.
Okay, let’s point fingers. (ever notice how so many pundits pretend to be a little more responsible by saying, ‘I don’t want to point fingers but …? ). I digress.
The first digit is directed straight at the home and business owners in the BE. You have been asked by the City of Revelstoke if you want the municipality to take over your system for years now but every time the reply has been, ‘Not on your nelly.’ So don’t even attempt to hang this one on the City. To do so would take a biblical flood of ignorance.
Interior Health has edicted that your system must be improved. It’s the law, no way around it.
The provincial fire code also says much of the system is under capacity. That’s why, for a good chunk of the BE, you can no longer get a building permit for, say, a medium to large shop or any mentionable building. There’s not enough flow in the hydrants in case of fire, as per the new code.
The second personal pointer pokes at the belly of the Big Eddy Waterworks management (mostly past) for not setting aside a dime in a reserve fund for the day when the inevitable upgrading would be required. Need I say more?
The third appendage of accusation is aimed at the provincial government for letting this deficiency carry on for so long. I guess it was too busy worrying about bigger pipelines.
So here’s the snake in the soup. (Saying ‘the elephant in the room’ is so passé).
The City has gone to bat for you, whether you like it or not. It’s got a petition ready for your vote on whether you want Revelstoke to take over your water system and spiff it up. It has even found 75% of the money required to do the $5.7 million dollar project; practically free money from the feds and the province. How lucky can you get?
And another reminder: If you don’t take the money now, it’ll gone like a shoplifter. But the law remains so eventually you will really have to pay for the whole enchilada through the nose.
Yet still I hear in the coffee shops and supermarkets, ‘ To hell with a new system. I’m not paying more in taxes!’
Well, you member of MENSA, it’s not a tax. It’s a fee for service that is charged to you, just like all the rest of us. Did it ever occur to you to count your blessings for all those years you got cheap water? And, you have 20 years over which to pay for the improvements.
You have my sympathy but we all know where sympathy is in the dictionary.
I am also alarmed to hear from one recent home buyer that her real estate agent did not inform her of the building restrictions before she signed on the dotted line. I hope that situation has been remedied. Yes, her husband does want to build a shop but don’t hold your breath. Even if you vote in favour, you may not be able to build until the new pipes come to your street, which could take up to 3 years.
Annnnnnd, try to sell a house in the BE with the building restrictions in place. Can you say ‘Fire Sale?’
You’ve got until February 5 to vote yea or nay.
Are you a Big Eddy ostrich?
Yours in social sarcasm,
Ms. Anne Throap
Pet Peeve of the Month: Jerks who say Australian imports are wrecking this town. I frequent many shops and restaurants in this burgh and never have I run into a rude or petulant Aussie. I can’t say that about some of our local yokels.